our first blog. wait, what?

Looking for a better avocado? You’ve come to the right place. Welcome to our new Delcado website, home to Australia’s better avocado. What makes a Delcado avocado better than the rest you ask? Delcados taste better, are fresher in store and come with our guarantee that when you pick one up, you won’t be disappointed. And yes, before you say anything, we know we probably won’t get it right 100% of the time, but we're going to keep trying until we do.

We’ve done all the hard work on our orchard in Pemberton, Western Australia so you have a better avo experience. Every. Time. We’ve slow-grown and nurtured them on the trees to maximise taste, we’ve x-rayed them to guarantee perfect flesh inside, and we’ve fine-tuned transporting them to stores so they’re fresher than other avos on the shelves. When you pick up an avo with the Delcado sticker, you know it’s a better one.

We’re excited to share Delcados with you so we’ve made some videos to tell everyone about our fruit  - have a squiz here.

We’ve also got some delicious recipes to try, stories from our orchard, info on the amazing nutritional benefits inside an avo, and a bit about us, the Delroys.

And if you’re still keen, swing us a follow on Facebook and Instagram.

You can find us in Woolworths, Coles, ALDI and Harris Farm Markets from October through till February. Just look for the Delcado sticker.
